
  • growth mindset

    Developing a Growth Mindset in 8 Simple Steps

    Work unveils a new system, promising to simplify life and alleviate stress – “just trust us,” they insist. Skepticism creeps in; the mere thought triggers a wave of dread, that nagging inner voice insists it’s too complex. Sound familiar? That, my friend, is the grip of a fixed mindset, stalling personal growth and allowing the…


  • Walking mom

    How To Guide: Easy Exercise For Working Mothers

    Ok guys, I’ve introduced you to two of the main tools in my mindfulness queen toolbox. If you’ve missed the previous posts, you can check them out below: How To Guide: The Secret To Mindful Meditation How To Guide: Youthful Yoga For Working Mothers Now let me introduce you to the next banger, Keeping Fit…


  • Meditating mother

    How To Guide: The Secret to Mindful Meditation

    Ever feel like your sanity is held together by a thread? Join the club. Now, imagine that thread being woven into a tapestry of tranquility through meditation. It’s not always bad to meet your hero My journey for mental peace started a few years ago, somewhere between conference calls, kids lunches, and housework. Life was…


  • self-priority friends

    Fuel Your Best Life: The Secrets of Self-Priority

    And here we are again at the end of the year – The stark reminder that we spent another year coming last, our aspirations pushed to the side as life kicked in and we forgot that we have needs or desires. As we sit here, a bit heavier, a tad deflated and absolutely exhausted, we…


  • crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign

    How to Spot a Toxic Work Environment in the Interview

    Have you ever accepted a position, only to find that when you start, it’s not as promised? What’s even worse, you get there and find that the “family” environment you were sold, was really just a way of saying “we talk to each other like shit”?. That, my friend, is a telling sign that you’re…


  • Journal prompts for a growth mindset

    Journal Prompts to Nurture a Growth Mindset

    Hey there Growth Enthusiasts! Keen on nurturing your Growth Mindset but don’t know where to start? Have you tried journaling? And would you like me to share some journal prompts to get you started? I like growth, we all like growth – right? But obtaining a Growth Mindset doesn’t just involve positive self-talk and a…


  • Journaling for professional development

    Journal Prompts for Professional Development

    Have you ever found yourself wondering about your professional journey? Knowing that you want to progress but maybe not sure how? Welcome to a blog dedicated to YOU – We’re about to embark on a journaling journey that celebrates the wins, learns from the challenges, and charts a course towards a career that aligns with…


  • photo of person using laptop for graphic designs

    48 Daily Affirmations for a Successful Career

    What is career success? Career success means different things to different people. To me, career success is reaching a level of financial stability while also doing work that I enjoy and will continue to help me grow professionally. Unfortunately, not all of us reach the level of success that we see for ourselves. There are…


  • avoid conflict

    How to Avoid Conflict: A Guide for the Non-Fighters

    In this article, I talk about conflict as “a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one”. There are two kinds of people in life; those that love conflict and those that hate it. I’m in the ‘hate it’ camp, I believe it is the most unproductive way to resolve any disagreement. It’s always fueled…


  • positive affirmation

    30 Powerful Affirmations for a Positive Mindset

    If you ask me, a positive mindset is more important today then it has ever been before. With the assistance of social media, societies unrealistic expectations have engrossed our lives and taken up way more space than it should. So if we don’t remind ourselves of our own abilities and strengths, no one else will.…


  • working mother guilt

    How to Navigate Guilt as a Working Mother

    It’s Wednesday morning, and you’re nailing life – lunches made, kids dressed, and you’re geared up for a productive workday with a whopping 10 minutes to spare! Yet, there’s an unsettling feeling; it was a bit too smooth, and the kids are unusually quiet. Still, you take the victory where you can, right? As you…


  • a room with gongs and tibetan bowls for meditation

    Revitalize Your Life! With Our Free 30 Day Mindfulness Reset

    Life has a way of sweeping us off our feet, we get caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities, deadlines and the constant juggle of work and family. But what if you could carve out a sanctuary of serenity? A space where you reconnect with your inner peace, rediscover clarity and embrace a profound sense of…


  • 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

    I read an article once that stated men are more likely than women to apply for a senior role when they are only 60% qualified, and women are more likely to only apply for that same role when they are 100% qualified. The funniest part of that whole scenario is the man will probably get…


  • Yoga at home

    How To Guide: Youthful Yoga For Working Mothers

    Have you ever done Yoga? Do you like it? Gosh, do you even have time for it? My kids are a bit older now and reasonably self-sufficient, I’m quite lucky. It hasn’t always been like that though, they used to be young and I remember being so worn out that I couldn’t use the stove…


  • You Are Beautiful: Unmasking Your Inner Critic

    Have you ever found yourself standing alone in front of the bathroom mirror, quietly whispering affirmations to yourself? It’s a ritual many of us indulge in, yet the journey to self-love is riddled with internal eye-rolls and a sense of uncoolness. Especially for us millennials, raised in an era where emotions were to be hidden…